Walking with You Through Loss

At Anshai Torah, we understand that mourning is a journey—one that no one should go through alone. Our tradition offers a structured path for grief, providing comfort and support every step of the way.

It begins with Kriya, the symbolic tearing of a garment or ribbon before the funeral, acknowledging the deep pain of loss. During the funeral, eulogies allow loved ones to share memories, express emotions, and begin the healing process.

After the funeral, we observe Shiva, a seven-day period of mourning where family and friends gather to support the bereaved. With the exception of Shabbat, we provide a minyan so mourners can recite Kaddish, the traditional prayer for the departed.

Following Shiva, the next phase of mourning, Shloshim, spans 30 days, gradually easing restrictions as life resumes. For parents, the mourning period extends to 11 months, with daily recitations of Kaddish.

The journey concludes with the unveiling, a short ceremony where a permanent marker is placed at the gravesite. This moment reaffirms our tradition’s message: while grief is real, healing is possible, and we move forward carrying the love and memories of those we've lost.

At Anshai Torah, we are here for you—offering guidance, community, and a tradition that helps you grieve with hope. If you lost a love one, please reach out to our Rabbinic Office. We would consider a privilege to walk with you this journey. Reach out to officeadmin@anshaitorah.org or call (972) 473-7718.