Men’s Club

Creating Connections and Purpose In The Craziness of Life

Upcoming Events

What is Men’s Club?

Anshai Torah Men’s Club connects members through social, service, and religious education activities. Join us for events like the Scotch-Tasting Seder, Football in the Sukkah, and more, while supporting the synagogue and the community. All men are welcome!

The Anshai Torah Men’s Club is committed to making Judaism more meaningful for our members through religious, cultural, and social programming. We strengthen Anshai Torah by encouraging membership growth and active participation in all synagogue activities. Our mission includes educating members about Jewish traditions and customs, empowering them to lead lives that reflect these values. Additionally, we connect members with community leaders to inspire involvement in local democratic institutions as American Jews. We also support the Jewish education of Anshai Torah’s youth by offering scholarships for Jewish camps and travel programs.

Throughout the year, the Men’s Club hosts various fun and educational events, such as:

  • Scotch-Tasting Seder and the Annual Beer Tasting

  • High Holiday Ushering and Sukkah Construction

  • Football in the Sukkah—a popular annual event!

  • Latke Frying for the synagogue’s Chanukah celebration

  • Yom HaShoah Candle Delivery for the entire congregation

  • Weinberg Family Golf Classic to support the Men’s Club Scholarship Fund

  • Game Nights, Bike Rides, Movie Nights, and other social activities

Join Today!

All men are welcome to join the Anshai Torah Men’s Club. Membership dues are $40 per year, covering various events and supporting the Scholarship Fund. If you’re new to Anshai, your first year of membership is free!